Are you an adult looking to begin or complete a higher education? CECAs Non-Traditional Scholarship through the Operation Round Up Program is a perfect opportunity to get started! Apply for our $1,000 Non-Traditional Scholarship today!

CECA Non-Traditional Scholarship

Comanche Electric Cooperative Association (CECA) Operation Round-Up Program created the Non-Traditional Scholarship Award program to encourage and assist in the continuing educational pursuits of CECA members.

Permissible uses of funds:

  • Payment of tuition and fees required for enrollment, books, supplies and/or equipment required for courses of instruction at an accredited four-year university, junior college or TEA-approved trade schools that offer an associate degree.

Applicants may apply as often as possible, but can only receive scholarship funds once.


  • Must be an active member of CECA residing within the Cooperative’s service area, and participate in the Operation Round-Up Program.
  • Must submit proof of enrollment for current or prior semester to determine qualified status.
  • Must meet the general entrance requirement at an accredited four-year university, junior college or TEA approved trade school to which you apply.
  • Must be enrolled as a student, or provide proof of intent.

Applicant will be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • financial need (50 percent)
  • leadership and/or community service (20 percent)
  • Personal Statement (30 percent)

Total scholarship awarded will be $1,000. CECA will pay $500 for the fall semester upon receipt of voucher, invoices or official letter providing proof of enrollment. The first installment will be made payable to the school’s financial aid or business office.

Recipient is required to submit proof of spring enrollment and sustained 2.00 GPA from fall semester to qualify for remaining $500.00. Final installment will also be made payable to the school’s financial aid or business office.

Note: If recipient’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 or if the recipient fails to register as a full -time student for the spring semester, recipient will be placed on probation for one semester. If probationary issues are not corrected within the following semester, the remaining scholarship funds allotted to that student ($500) will be revoked. If the recipient fails to enroll or register for any course work during the spring semester, then the remaining scholarship funds allotted to that student ($500) will be revoked.

Other Issues:

  • Applications will be submitted to the selection committee to be graded on the criteria mentioned above.
  • Applications will be accepted no later than 4:30 p.m. on April 7, 2025.

For more information about the scholarship program contact CECA at 1-800-915-2533 or